This 12-Week course will be live streamed starting March 14th.

NAFCT is proud to announce their first Inspectors course which will be live streamed over a 12-week period starting March 14, 2023. The Resilient Flooring Inspector Certification course will include report writing courses, subfloor for inspectors courses and resilient flooring. Participants in this program, upon completion will receive Report Writing Certificate of Completion, Subfloor for Inspectors Certificate of Completion, and Resilient Flooring Inspection Certification.

Paul Pleshek, Executive Director of NAFCT comments, “This isn’t just any inspectors course; it is a completely different way to offer inspector certification. The NAFCT inspector program is going to resemble online college courses where there is a lecture one day a week and there are assignments due prior to the next course.”

About the Resilient Flooring Inspector Certification Course

Certification courses will be live streamed every Tuesday, 1 pm to 4pm CT starting March 14th and concluding May 30th.

Course participants will start with Report Writing which focuses on the inspection report, grammar, and components of a quality report. Robert Blochinger of Blochinger and Company will be a guest speaker during week two.

The report writing courses will be followed by Subfloors for Inspectors. In addition to 3 weeks of live streamed presentations, participants will also receive access to additional online content for subfloor preparation. The Subfloors for Inspectors expands on concrete and wood issues and concludes with moisture testing. Seth Pevarnick, Technical Director of Ardex will be a guest speaker for the subfloor prep course.

The Resilient courses will cover plank, tile, and sheet goods of vinyl, rubber, cork, and linoleum. Topics will range from how resilient is manufactured, types of resilient, installation and maintenance of resilient products, tools and tests, ASTM tests, and case studies review. Guest speakers will include Graham Capiobianco, Sustainability Manager for Novalis US and Jason Spangler, Flooring Division Manager for Wagner Meters.

The final course on May 30th will be the Business of Inspection. This course will wrap up the teachings from the past 11 weeks and bring the program full circle.

Get Registered & Get Certified

To register for the Resilient Flooring Inspector Certification, go to Registration deadline is March 13, 2023 as the course begins on March 14th.


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Press Release Contact:

Paul Pleshek


Register Today!

Complete the Resilient Flooring Inspector Certification

Recieve NAFCT Report Writing Certificate of Completion + Subfloors for Inspectors Certificate of Competion + The Resilient Flooring Inspector Certification!!

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