Lititz Flooring Company

Daniel Ortiz
215 Bucky Dr., Pennsylvania 17543, United States
Business Description / Bio

Located in historic Lititz, PA, Capri Cork LLC DBA Lititz Flooring Company celebrates 15 years in November 2021.

What began as Capri cork, with a selection of unique cork, rubber cork and rubber products in 2006, evolved into Lititz Flooring Company in 2018. Under the leadership of co-founders Dave Cipalla, President, and Margaret Buchholz, Marketing Director, Capri cork has grown from a single brand into the national distributor for AVA by Novalis, Capri Collections and LSI Floors.

Our team takes pride in the well designed, high quality products we offer. Lititz Flooring management and support staff strive to provide product knowledge, technical support and customer service excellence at every level. We have local representation across North America with over 100 top tier sales reps. Lititz Flooring Company offers a wide range of innovative products that meet the criteria for a variety of commercial installations.

Our corporate town, Lititz, PA, earned the title “Coolest Small Town in America” by Budget Travel in 2013. We think Lititz Flooring Company is the coolest place to work in the coolest small town in America.

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